Palmengartenstrasse 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: 069 74 31-0
Fax: 069 74 31-29 44
KfW is a public law institution and is represented by the Board of Managing Directors (Stefan Wintels [Chairman], Melanie Kehr, Christiane Laibach, Bernd Loewen and Dr Stefan Peiß).
KfW's value added tax identification number is: DE 114104280.
Dr Gerd Hanow
No guarantee for contents
All data and information provided by KfW in its various Internet offerings have been compiled by KfW to the best of its knowledge and belief. KfW cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information. The information provided does not constitute individual advice and cannot replace such advice.
The same applies to all other Internet pages referred to by hyperlink. KfW is not responsible for the content of Internet pages reached via such links.
Use of the Internet pages (incl. software use)
The content, structure and design of KfW's Internet pages and the software that can be used or downloaded from them (e.g. repayment calculator, collection of forms) are protected by copyright. Texts, parts of texts, graphics, tables, software or image materials made available on KfW's Internet pages, their content and copies thereof may not be altered in any way (including by means of the source code), reproduced and distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of KfW. This does not apply to the articles in the "Research" and "Newsroom" sections. These articles may be passed on to third parties and reproduced for information purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. KfW does not assume any guarantee/liability for the operability of software and for direct or indirect damage caused by the use or installation of this software.
Reference may be made to KfW's Internet offers by means of hyperlinks if the KfW Internet page called up becomes the sole content of the browser window.